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useWait Function

The useWait function is a utility that provides a simple way to introduce a delay or wait for a specified amount of time in your Vue 3 applications. It returns a Promise that resolves after the specified time delay.


The useWait function is useful when you need to create delays in your code, such as delaying the execution of certain actions or waiting for a specific time period before proceeding with the next task. This function is particularly handy when dealing with asynchronous operations that require timing control.


To use the useWait function, follow these steps:

  1. Import the useWait function:

    <script setup>
    import { useWait } from "masc-vue";
    <script setup>
    import { useWait } from "masc-vue";
  2. Call the useWait function with the desired time delay in milliseconds as the argument.

    <script setup>
    const wait = useWait(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).
    <script setup>
    const wait = useWait(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds).
  3. Use the wait Promise to introduce the time delay by waiting for it to resolve.

    <script setup>
    const performDelayedAction = async () => {
    	// Perform some tasks before the delay.
    	console.log("Task 1");
    	// Wait for the specified time (2 seconds) using the `wait` Promise.
    	await useWait(2000);
    	// Continue with other tasks after the delay.
    	console.log("Task 2");
    <script setup>
    const performDelayedAction = async () => {
    	// Perform some tasks before the delay.
    	console.log("Task 1");
    	// Wait for the specified time (2 seconds) using the `wait` Promise.
    	await useWait(2000);
    	// Continue with other tasks after the delay.
    	console.log("Task 2");
  4. Customize the time delay as needed by passing a different number of milliseconds to the useWait function.


Here's an example of using the useWait function to introduce a time delay in a Vue component:

		<button @click="startDelayedAction">Start Delayed Action</button>

<script setup>
import { useWait } from "masc-vue";

const startDelayedAction = async () => {
	console.log("Action started");

	// Wait for 2 seconds using the `wait` Promise.
	await useWait(2000); // 2-second delay.

	console.log("Action completed");
		<button @click="startDelayedAction">Start Delayed Action</button>

<script setup>
import { useWait } from "masc-vue";

const startDelayedAction = async () => {
	console.log("Action started");

	// Wait for 2 seconds using the `wait` Promise.
	await useWait(2000); // 2-second delay.

	console.log("Action completed");

In this example, we've used the useWait function to introduce a 2-second delay before proceeding with the next task.

Released under the MIT License.