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Button Component

The s-btn Component is a versatile component for creating buttons in your Vue 3 application. It provides options for various attributes and slots to customize the appearance and behavior of the button.


You can register s-btn globally or locally in your component.

import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";


To use the s-btn Component, you can include it in your Vue templates and customize it as needed.

	<s-btn class="btn-primary px-10" icon="mdi:home"> Home </s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";
	<s-btn class="btn-primary px-10" icon="mdi:home"> Home </s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";

Button sizes

You can define size as a class or through size prop.

	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn size="xs"> X-Small </s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-sm"> Small </s-btn>
		<s-btn> Normal </s-btn>
		<s-btn size="lg"> Large </s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";
	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn size="xs"> X-Small </s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-sm"> Small </s-btn>
		<s-btn> Normal </s-btn>
		<s-btn size="lg"> Large </s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";

Buttons with brand colors

You can define size as a class as per daisy ui or tailwind colors.

	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn class="btn-neutral">Neutral</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-primary">Primary</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-secondary">Secondary</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-accent">Accent</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-ghost">Ghost</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-link">Link</s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";
	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn class="btn-neutral">Neutral</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-primary">Primary</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-secondary">Secondary</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-accent">Accent</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-ghost">Ghost</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-link">Link</s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";

Buttons with state colors

You can use daisyui state colours with the button component

	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn class="btn-info">Info</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-success">Success</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-warning">Warning</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-error">Error</s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";
	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn class="btn-info">Info</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-success">Success</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-warning">Warning</s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-error">Error</s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";

Buttons with states

You can make a button as a link or make it loading state

	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn loading class="btn-primary"> Loading </s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-primary" href="" target="_blank" icon="mdi:link">
			<span>Button Link</span>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";
	<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
		<s-btn loading class="btn-primary"> Loading </s-btn>
		<s-btn class="btn-primary" href="" target="_blank" icon="mdi:link">
			<span>Button Link</span>

<script setup>
import { SBtn } from "masc-vue";


loadingBooleanfalseIndicates whether the button is in a loading state.
disabledBooleanfalseDisables the button if set to true.
sizeString""Button size. Can be one of "xs", "sm", or "lg".
toString""URL to navigate to when the button is clicked.
hrefString""A URL to navigate to when the button is clicked (if not using Vue Router).
iconString""Icon name to display on the button.
iconRightString""Icon name to display on the right side of the button.
iconClassString""Custom CSS class to style the button's icon(s).


The s-btn Component supports the following slots for customization:

Slot NameDescription
Default SlotSlot for the button's label or content.


The component provides flexibility in styling by allowing you to specify CSS classes through the iconClass and class prop. You can further customize the appearance of the button using your own CSS.

s-btn Component is designed to be a versatile and reusable button component for your applications. You can customize it to create buttons with different sizes, icons, and behaviors to suit your specific project requirements.

Released under the MIT License.