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Popper Component

The s-popper component is designed to create popovers and tooltips. It provides a flexible and customizable way to create interactive elements that appear near a trigger element when needed. This component is part of the masc-vue component library.


The s-popper component simplifies the creation of popovers and tooltips. You can easily customize its behavior, appearance, and content. It can be triggered on hover, click, or manually controlled, making it suitable for various use cases.


To use the s-popper component, follow these steps:

  1. Import the component and any other necessary components:

    <script setup>
    import { SPopper } from "masc-vue";
    <script setup>
    import { SPopper } from "masc-vue";
  2. Use the s-popper component within your template:

    	<s-popper :placement="popoverPlacement" :hover="triggerOnHover" :show="popoverVisible" :disabled="popoverDisabled" :content="popoverContent">
    		<!-- Your trigger element goes here -->
    		<button>Hover over me</button>
    	<s-popper :placement="popoverPlacement" :hover="triggerOnHover" :show="popoverVisible" :disabled="popoverDisabled" :content="popoverContent">
    		<!-- Your trigger element goes here -->
    		<button>Hover over me</button>
  3. Customize the component by binding it to your data, and use the provided props to control its behavior.

  4. The s-popper component will display the popover or tooltip based on the provided data and user interactions.


The s-popper component accepts the following props:

classString""Additional CSS class to be applied to the popper.
placementString"bottom"Preferred placement for the popper.
offsetSkidString"0"Offset in pixels along the trigger element.
offsetDistanceString"10"Offset in pixels away from the trigger element.
hoverBooleanfalseTrigger the popper on hover.
showBooleannullManually open/close the popper.
disabledBooleanfalseDisables the popper. If it was open, it will be closed.
openDelayNumber0Open the popper after a delay (in milliseconds).
closeDelayNumber0Close the popper after a delay (in milliseconds).
zIndexNumber or String9999The z-index of the popper.
arrowBooleanfalseDisplay an arrow on the popper.
arrowPaddingString"0"Stop the arrow from reaching the edge of the popper.
interactiveBooleantrueControl if the popper is interactive.
lockedBooleanfalseLock the popper in place; it will not flip dynamically when it runs out of space.
contentStringnullThe content of the popper. If specified, it will be used as the content.


The s-popper component accepts the following slots:

Slot NameDescription
defaultdefault slot for the popover trigger
contentslot for the popover content.


The s-popper component emits the following events:

Event NameDescription
open:popperEmitted when the popper is opened.
close:popperEmitted when the popper is closed.


Here's an example of using the s-popper component:

	<s-popper :placement="popoverPlacement" :hover="triggerOnHover" :show="popoverVisible" :disabled="popoverDisabled" :content="popoverContent">
		<s-btn @click="togglePopover">Click me for a popover</s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SPopper } from "masc-vue";

const popoverPlacement = "top";
const triggerOnHover = true;
const popoverVisible = ref(false);
const popoverDisabled = false;
const popoverContent = "This is a popover!";

const togglePopover = () => {
	popoverVisible.value = !popoverVisible.value;
	<s-popper :placement="popoverPlacement" :hover="triggerOnHover" :show="popoverVisible" :disabled="popoverDisabled" :content="popoverContent">
		<s-btn @click="togglePopover">Click me for a popover</s-btn>

<script setup>
import { SPopper } from "masc-vue";

const popoverPlacement = "top";
const triggerOnHover = true;
const popoverVisible = ref(false);
const popoverDisabled = false;
const popoverContent = "This is a popover!";

const togglePopover = () => {
	popoverVisible.value = !popoverVisible.value;

In this example, we've used the s-popper component to create a popover that appears when the button is clicked.

Released under the MIT License.